After windows 10 install screen resolution problem

Hi guys,

I have dual screens for my PC in my house. My main monitor is 1440p, and a TV above it that is 1080p. They are identical in size, but due to their different resolutions windows detects the TV as being smaller.

This means trying to move the mouse from the top right side of the monitor hits an invisible wall until you find a point where windows think the TV should be.

I don’t want to have to reduce the resolution of the monitor and while changing the scaling makes the content on them the same size, I still can’t mouse properly. Any ideas and please help us!

Alternatively, can i ? run my monitor at 1080p to have a border across all pixels, but needless to say this will cost you on real estate in the monitor, and the picture quality will be poor.

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Hi @sawood,

You cannot expect the same content size. Scaling is effectively reducing resolution. What you’re experiencing is exactly the issue with monitors of different resolutions.

So those 20 pixels across that your mouse takes up, look bigger on your TV than your monitor. However those 20 pixels, when crossing from the TV to the monitor, they need to find a common border. And obviously your monitor has 640 more pixels that do not interface with the TV. As such you need to move your mouse to find the 1920 pixels that do make “contact” with the 1920 out of the 2560 pixels of the monitor.

There is no other way except to move your mouse until you find these pixels. The physical size of the monitor/TV make absolutely no difference.

Alternatively you can run your monitor at 1080p to have a border across all pixels, but needless to say this will cost you on real estate in the monitor, and the picture quality will be poor.

It could be that the drivers of your device may have been damaged, or that the drivers are not compatible with Windows 10 Creators Update. For us to assist you properly, kindly respond to the questions below:

  1. You mentioned that you have tried every solution that you found in the Internet, may we know what these solutions are? This is for us to know and to avoid any duplication of efforts on your end.
  2. Can you tell us more about what happens when you attempt to roll back? Are there any error messages?
  3. Have you checked if your device is compatible with Windows 10 Creators Update? You may check this article created by Andre Da Costa to determine if your device is compatible with Windows 10 Creators Update.