Windows 10 Internet not working properly with my WiFi

I recently bought a new laptop which it’s great, runs great, does not hang on tasks, but I’ve been having some issues with WiFi for the last few days it annoys me very much.

It’s actually very odd, and symptoms vary. Sometimes, the WiFi keeps dropping, sometimes it won’t connect to a WiFi network, unless I restart, currently I have the Internet, I can use my browser, sync OneDrive, but any modern Windows 10 app acts as if I didn’t have Internet. Cortana complains she doesn’t have Internet access, Windows Store and a multitude of other apps just show me an error message:


First of all check your wifi router.

you can make mobile hotspot with your Phone, connect your laptop to hotspot and check if problem resists.

you also can connect your laptop with wire connection to your router and check issue.

If your problem will fix, try to reset your wifi router and reconfigure it.

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Hello @sundar2020
Option 1. Check your laptop internet setting and WiFi Router configuration.

Option 2.Check any other device to WiFi Router and if the same problem in your device then contact your Internet service provider

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Hi @sundar2020,

First can you please confirm if windows are activating power save on the NIC. You’ll find it under device properties. Untick “Allow Windows to Put This Device to Sleep”.

If you are unable to control the device 's power, search for a way to unlock “full power control registry hack”. That will restore control. Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has taken a lot of control away from the end-user in windows 10.