2 TB disk recommendation?


I am planning to buy a new 2 TB disk for my laptop. I have zero experience on purchase will any please suggestion me which vendor should i choose like WesternDigital or Seagate etc.,


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Hi @RafathR,

Before purchasing any electronic products I always make sure that the vendor offers support, warranty and replacement to my location/region. Because one day this product may fail if we didn’t get quick support or replacement then will we regret buying it.

Back to your questions go to any near local store and ask them which vendors do has the best service for your location/region. Also, he can help you choose it.

In my opinion, both Seagate and western digital has reliable products for my location Seagate is cheap and has the best support/replacement option comparing to any other vendors.

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both brand are quite well-known for its after sale service, but if you’re looking for lower budget option, there are plenty Chinese made HDD in Aliexpress under 50 bucks.

Hello @RafathR

First of all thanks for like the post.

Accoriding to my opinion both the brands are best, you can go for any one and one more thing you must ask for warranty which brand giving you more warranty.

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both brands are well-known, but you need to know when this hard disk made and check warranty

Hi @RafathR

Both are good Products and will last long for many years.
please check those Price and warranty period and compare with that.

Hey there!
Before purchase check the characteristics for the laptop so that the disk you want is compatible .
Kingston and Crucial are good