A problem with your hardware caused windows to stop working correctly

Problem: I was rendering something in blender(with the CPU). After 5 minutes and when i look back the screen is completely grey and it won’t change no matter what i do. So i force shut down my PC. But it won’t boot anymore. It gets to the windows loading screen, then a graphical glitch appears and it stops outputting video.

I am adding this error screenshot Hope this may help anyone

What i did next: I feared the worst so i pulled out my trusty Windows 10 live boot on a USB and it booted fine from it. So next after 3 interrupted boots windows started its recovery thing, i ran the fix startup issues option but it did not find anything. Then i booted in safe mode-it worked fine- and i uninstalled the GPU drivers using DDU then restarted.

This time windows booted normally (in 640*480 ) and i went straight to download new drivers. I left the room for a few mins and when i came back the screen was grey again. I haven’t been able to boot windows normally again, not even after disabling all startup programs and non-microsoft services, and uninstalling blender. Safe mode works fine.

Errors and logs: Reliabity report shows 2 errors from the first crash: -Blender: AppHangB1 Hang type:134234112 Time:9:34pm

-windows: LiveKernelEvent Code:141 Time:10:11pm

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Hi @JesseJ,

Did you try running Hardware and devices troubleshooter? If not the below step to run the troubleshooter.

Easy Fix solutions have been discontinued. Instead, you can upgrade to Windows 10 and get troubleshooters that are built right in. To get Windows 10, see Windows 10 Home. Need more info on Windows 10? See Upgrade to Windows 10: FAQ.

Windows 10

Windows 10 uses troubleshooters to help you solve problems with your PC. To run a troubleshooter:

  1. Select Start > Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot .
  2. Select the type of troubleshooting you want to do, then select Run the troubleshooter.
  3. Allow the troubleshooter to run and then answer any questions on the screen. If you see a message that no changes or updates were necessary, you can try recovery options, or find out more about Outlook error codes and upgrade and installation error codes.

If the above not solved by running the Windows 10 hardware troubleshooter, you might want to consider updating your BIOS to the latest version.

There’s also a possibility that your computer is overheating. Start by removing the plugs, and holding the power button for 10 seconds. Once done, open the side panel, and blow out all the dust. You may have to remove the front panel as well to clean it out.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

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