Can’t run 2 apps at the same time at Win10

Hello, I am a Mac user but have recently returned to Windows OS. I only used XP, so Windows 10 is unfamiliar to me. The OS was recently installed, the PC has solid specs (i7 processor, 4GB RAM) but still, it’s really slow. Can’t run 2 apps at the same time, it freezes during web browsing. My Mac (i5 processor, 4GB RAM) runs smooth, without delay. Windows version 1903 OS build 18362.476. What could be the cause of this?


see task manager and check CPU and RAM usage. it will help us to fix your problem

1 Run a memory test - please refer to Windows help & learning

2 Make sure all the PCs drivers ( sound card, video card etc ) are all up to date with the latest supported version of the drivers as supplied by the PC manufacturers support site for your make and model.

3 Is it overheating? maybe occurred when the system is quite busy. Make sure all fans are working properly and the system isn’t clogged with dust/dirt.

4 If anything is ‘overclocked’ try turning the OC off for a while to see if it helps.

Hey there!
Making a laptop hibrid will occupy a lot of RAM and Memory from it
that is why it can be slow