Cannot charge phone, only on Pixel Stand

Hi all, I need assistance with my Android phone. I cannot get it to charge and only Pixel Stand works for me right now. I tried to restart and even opened up a safe mode, both did not provide any results. Help!

I’m 99% sure that the port is defected and I’m afraid technical assistance is highly compulsory.
Pixel Stand only charge it wireless and rarely affected.

But I suggest that try to plug it in a Desktop or PC using cable data that comes in a box to see any responsive pop up.

Hi @Lexer,

Go to settings, connected devices, previously connected devices, tap the gear icon next to the stand, then tap forget. Afterwards put your phone back on the stand and let it pair again. Let us know if that makes a difference or not.

Try with other pixel charging cables if the same problem happen then there is the problem with your charging port
Bring your phone to service center