Cannot install a driver for Kali Linux

I cannot install a driver for Kali Linux. The only way that worked for me was using lsusb but then, I cannot connect my WiFi online as PC does not recognise the driver. I tried with apt-get update, apt-get upgrade with no success. I could use some helpful advice to get it done!

if you can able to get a LAN connectivity then follow these commands.
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

then follow this command
$ /etc/init.d/networking restart

Hello @Michael

If your system is connected to internet using LAN card (wired Network card) then you can use the following command in kali Linux up date
step -1 apt-get

second command Note:Both the command run by root account
or type sudo if you run these
command by local user account

step-2 apt-get dist-upgrade

try command terminal with sudo apt-get install --fix-missing, this sometimes works…