Recently our users are started to getting phishing emails however we have given some basic training to our users on phishing emails but still I don’t want to depend on the users action So, i am looking for a way to delete a phishing email from all users inbox using like O365 admin portal etc.
Hi @AnthonyD,
Yes, you can delete the emails from end-user mailboxes accounts for that you need to use PowerShell commands. A maximum of 10 items per mailbox can be removed at one time.
- To create and run a Content Search, you have to be a member of the eDiscovery Manager role group or be assigned the Compliance Search management role.
- Powershell console with administrator permission
Search email with Content search option in O365 admin portal
- Login to the O365 admin portal
- Security & Compliance
- Expand the Search and click Content search it will open in a new tab
- Click New search “Enter the subject of the email”
- Click add conditions select Subject/Title
- In location Select the one which has exchange email listed
- Click Save & run and wait for the result
Deleting email using PowerShell console
Copy the below command to your PowerShell console:
# This script will help to delete suspicious email from all user mailbox for across domain
# Emails will be deleted also from Deleted Items
# Deleted emails will not be recoverable
# This below command will get the O365 administrator credentails and redirect to Office 365 Security & Compliance Center
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.compliance.protection.outlook.com/powershell-liveid -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session -AllowClobber -DisableNameChecking
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $UserCredential.UserName + " (Office 365 Security & Compliance Center)"
# Search for the email in all mailboxes
# This command will search the given query in all user mailbox
# Change the query name, from, subject
New-ComplianceSearch -Name "search_name" -ExchangeLocation all -ContentMatchQuery '(Subject:"type_the_subject_of_the_email")"'
Start-ComplianceSearch -Identity "search_name"
# Wait a minute and the below command will get the query view the results
# Check for the item count for all the mailboxes
Get-ComplianceSearch -Identity "search_name"
Get-ComplianceSearch -Identity "search_name" | Format-List
# Confirm and run this command to delete the mail if the results look right
New-ComplianceSearchAction -SearchName "search_name " -Purge -PurgeType SoftDelete
# check when it is completed add _purge at the end of the search query
Get-ComplianceSearchAction -Identity "search_name_Purge"
Follow the command instruction to successfully delete the mail Note always double check the entry before deleting the email
Hope this is helpful.
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Sorry for the late reply, I was stuck in the other works. Anyhow thanks for the above information I run a test delete and succeed. Now I am prepared and ready to delete phishing emails instantly.
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