Hello forum! I have daily electric outages on where I live and that affects my internet speed. I called the company that provides the service but they do not see a problem here. So, here is my question – how can electric outages affect the online Mbps? Is there something I can do about it? How can I approach the agency that provides me with internet if it is somehow connected to their servers?
you can check your router,
step 1 restart the router
step 2 check router place it should not be near to power cable and power connection
step 3 check all the connection is connected properly
Hi @Leonard
if you are using Router ,Connect your PC and your router with a UPS. UPS can handle Electric outages and stable connectivity
which router do you have. if you can check errors on WAN port. if where will be errors, it may be cable issue, or half or full duplex problem. if you get service with ethernet and RJ45 jack on cable you can connect your PC to internet without router and check speed. also ping google.com and check if ping goes well( in cmd type ping -t google.com). you also check traceroute to know your packet way to the destination. it may be long way and service provider can fix this problem