Error: "The email address '@{groupName=DemoGroup; DisplayName=Demo Group}.DemoGroup''' isn't correct

I am trying to import Group from CSV but getting the below error:

$FilePath = "D:\content.csv"

$Changes=Import-Csv $FilePath | ForEach { Set-XXXX -Identity $_.GroupName -PrimarySmtpAddress "$_.groupName''" }

.csv file has got two columns with the names of groups and another column with Display Name (Example: demogroup, Demo group). Am I able to achieve this without adding in another column for the email address on the CSV file? Currently getting this error:

Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'PrimarySmtpAddress'. Cannot convert value "@{TeamName=demogroup; DisplayName=Demo Team}.GroupName''" to type

"Microsoft.Exchange.Data.SmtpAddress". Error: "The email address '@{groupName=DemoGroup; DisplayName=Demo Group}.DemoGroup''' isn't correct. Please use this format: user name, the @ sign, followed by the domain name. For example, or []("