File server migration conflicts

Hello All,

We recently finished a windows 2012 R2 to 2016 file server migration. Standard stuff, shares transferred from OldServer to NewServer, logon scripts modified to unmap shared drives and remap to the same share names on NewServer. Things looked great, but two weeks later, I find out two mistakes were made…

First, the shares on the OldServer were not disabled. The server needed to be left up, as there are a couple of applications that haven’t yet been migrated from it, but file sharing should have been turned off.

In itself, this wouldn’t have been a problem. However, I found out that some of our ‘power users’ had, at some point in time, mapped their own network drives to file shares on Server A. This was problem 2. So, the old shares now containing some new files but I dont no how to move only the modified files.

Hi @AbdulR,

We use a software called ViceVersa Pro for the last 5 years to get the latest files from client shares to our local shares. This software has an option Refresh Target Share which will let you updated the target shares with only updated and newly created files. You can get the fully functional trial version from here Download ViceVersa PRO

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Hello @AbdulR

you can do one thing, you go to old server and search files in advanced and sort by date and select all latest file and copy all the files in new server.
Of course it is time consuming job, but i think it is better.
Note: In future you can use Distributed File System (DFS) it is great service of windows file service role for sharing purpose solutions.

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Thanks @tjnihal. I will check with the software.

Thanks @VIkasmadan for your tip. I see if its helpful.

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Hi @tjnihal, Thanks for the software suggestions.I almost migrated all the new files but for few it ended up as long path error. Do you have any solution to that?

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Please check this Migrate File and Storage Services to Windows Server 2012 | Microsoft Learn.

I hope it will help you resolve it.

To enabled long path support in ViceVersa use the \?\UNC\ in prefix. For example, \?\UNC<server><share>.

More information here Does ViceVersa Handle Path Names Longer Than 259 Characters?

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