How to enable notification for particular website through GPO or Registry? for domain user?

Dear All,

Today I have got one requirement from the management to enable notification for a particular website for all of our domain user. For example, think about this forum which lets us have notification when a user post any comment on our interested topics.

We have some list of websites which need to be enabled for notification and at the same time we need to allow only this website which means our user are not allowed to have notification options on their interest.

We are using Windows server 2012 datacenter and all the computers are having Windows 10 with 1909 version installed on it. I think with the help of Group Policy I am able to manage the notification for a particular website for all of our domain users.

As I am about to start this work I will appreciate they help of follow admin on this to make my work easier and finish it beautifully.

Thank in advance


If you are using Chrome browser then use you control the behavior using chrome administrative template. Go to google and type chrome admx download you will get the latest admx file for google which you need to import on your Group Policy domain server.

Default notification setting for google chrome sites:

Allows you to set whether websites are allowed to display desktop notifications. Displaying desktop notifications can be allowed by default, denied by default or the user can be asked every time a website wants to show desktop notifications.

If this policy is left not set, ‘AskNotifications’ will be used and the user will be able to change it.

  1. Allow sites to show desktop notifications
Registry Path Software\Policies\Google\Chrome
Value Name DefaultNotificationsSetting
Value Type REG_DWORD
Value 1
  1. Do not allow any site to show desktop notifications
Registry Path Software\Policies\Google\Chrome
Value Name DefaultNotificationsSetting
Value Type REG_DWORD
Value 2
  1. Ask every time a site wants to show desktop notifications
Registry Path Software\Policies\Google\Chrome
Value Name DefaultNotificationsSetting
Value Type REG_DWORD
Value 3

Hope this help.

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I think the perfect solution for your requirement is to use NotificationsAllowedForUrls chrome policy.

Using the Chrome policy called NotificationsAllowedForUrls will allow to your modify your domain users computers through registry entries.

Once you import the google chrome group policy template as referred by @tjnihal. Please go to the below location on your domain server:


Description about the policy:

Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that specify the sites that can display notifications.

Leaving the policy unset means DefaultJavaScriptSetting applies for all sites, if it’s set. If not, the user’s personal setting applies.

Example policy:

Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\NotificationsAllowedForUrls\1 =
Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\NotificationsAllowedForUrls\2 =
