Installing Windows 10 first time, Installation Will wipe all of my data?

Hello there,

I have a new USB and it’s ready to install Windows 10 to the SSD. However, I am not exactly understanding what it means when installing Windows 10 will wipe my data.

I am planning on keeping my HDD around and using the SSD for gaming reasons, and also wanting to boot up my PC faster. By installing Windows 10 to the SSD, does that delete anything stored inside the SSD assuming it even had anything to begin with or delete everything from my HDD? Sorry if it sounds silly, but I don’t want to lose my files if I plan on still using my HDD for storage reasons.

About to install Windows 10 to SSD,

I am not worried about the SSD as it’s a 100% clean drive and was also thinking the same about unplugging the HDD,

Anyone please needs help.

Hello @Banning

Welcome to community!:bouquet:

In this image which you have mentioned in the first option your data stored in document folder or desktop and your desktop background, internet favorites setting will be saved in the windows.old folder after install windows.
Second option which is selected, it will stored your all data which is in document folder or if you have data on desktop will be saved in windows.old folder after installing windows.
Note: If you don’t format drive your data will be saved in windows.old folder in c: drive after install windows in the c: drive.

If you have any query feel free to contact me.

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If you have all your files on HDD and you want to install OS on SSD, do not format your HDD and install OS on SSD and all your files on HDD will be keep, they will not delete