Laptop Protection software with tracking

My company is planning to replace all the workstation to the laptop for all the employees in our company to my assumption we need to buy more than 200 laptops and I have been asked to give a brief on controlling all the devices like similar to the workstation we have in on-site office. hence this is a laptop user can carry to their homes. I am preparing a checklist to monitor and first things comes to my mind is laptop protection

What will be the best software to use as laptop protection which need to have tracking also

Hello @ImranKhan

Purchase good Antivirus and it should be server and client based, with the help of this you can check virus and get automatically email in case of any virus detection.`

You can choose among multiple software’s available like EXO5, GadgetTrak, etc.
All these are paid services and offer security for the devices you select in sense of data inflow and or outflow.