My hard drive not visible in Windows Explorer

Hello guys,

We have one HP Prodesk desktop with Windows 10 1809 installed. Somehow, when I logged in as this one user who has local admin right, he is unable to see hard drives or mapped drives but he does have access to them when I manually typed C:\ at the address bar. But when I log in as an administrator, I am able to see all the hard drives. So the issue is only related to one user.

I tried to rename his profile and deleted the related registry key. So let the windows to create another profile for this user but still have the same issue. I did some research and it seems with the registry key at HKCU\software\micrsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\explorer.

I deleted the keys there but after rebooting the machine, the key went back to the machine. So I thought that it may be some malware or spyware.

I also ran Malwarebytes rootkit and it did find worm.rowmanit but still not solution found.

Any advice on this issue?

Hello @Easton

Would you please share the screen shot of disk management console screen so that i can support you to solve the problem.


can you provide us screenshot to see exactly what is problem