Net 3.5 update gone wrong

Hi all. While I was running Net 3.5 update, I got stuck at while searching for necessary files. By stuck, I mean it won’t install at all. I tried Windows 10 USB install, as well as DVD. Nothing worked so far and still getting this message “the system sits on searching for the file.” Did anyone get this error before and how did you get it done?

Go to services and check if windows update is enabled. then go to windows update and check if your windows is updated. if this all steps is OK try to install Net 3.5 update

Hi @Abel

  1. go to services

  2. go to windows installer

  3. double click on it

  4. in the general tab, under startup type drop down menu
    replace manual with automatic (delayed start)

  5. click ok

  6. Restart the Net 3.5 Update