I am currently rolling out OneDrive for my users who would like to enable Folder Protection as backup storage capacity. Through testing, I got the following error codes that stop my project in its tracks:
“ The following file types can’t be protected: Outlook database files (.pst) and OneNote files that aren’t already stored in OneDrive (.one, .onepkg, .onetoc, .onetoc2). To continue protecting the folder, move your OneNote notebooks to OneDrive or remove these items from the folder you want to protect, and then try again .”
I got this error as I navigated manually through Known Folder Settings in the OneDrive client. One of the solutions that I would like to avoid is GPO, which might leave users Document folders unprotected (for some of them at least). What other solutions exist to avoid above-mentioned “solution”?
You should NOT let OneDrive sync your .pst files. They are far too large, and they are in use as long as you have Outlook open.
If you sync your entire Documents folder to OneDrive, you should move the .pst files to a folder outside your Documents folder - any folder that is NOT synced by OneDrive.
If you are an admin I may suggest you to block uploading .pst file in the OneDrive admin center and see if this error disappears. You can follow this article to block .pst file Block syncing of specific file types
If the above is not suitable for you, please tell me how frequent you are planning to take backup for your user data. I have a Team level GPO where I use Robocopy to mirror the important user’s file to the network share on every startup. The schedule for Robocopy varies by Team level. If you like the idea let me know I share the script with you.