PowerShell Auto Refresh Google Chrome and Firefox

Hi all,
We have developed one application to interact with our end users basically It’s like a support forum. But the thing is we didn’t notified any new notification or chats till we refresh the page. So, we come up with an idea to refresh the page very frequently so that we will aware any new comments on the site.

Since the application was developed by a freelancer we are having few difficulties working with him again. So, I am trying to create a PowerShell Script to auto-refresh some or all open pages in Google chrome and others in Firefox.

But this below script one only refreshes 1 active page, not the others.

while(1) { # Loop forever
    sleep -Seconds 3 #1 hour
    $wshell = New-Object -ComObject wscript.shell 
    if($wshell.AppActivate('Chrome')) { # Switch to Chrome
    Sleep 1 # Wait for Chrome to "activate"
    $wshell.SendKeys('{F5}')  # Send F5 (Refresh)
    } else { break; } # Chrome not open, exit the loop

Thanks for the help

The script you’re currently using is designed to refresh only the active page in Chrome. This is accomplished through the AppActivate method, which brings a designated window to the front, followed by sending the F5 key to trigger a refresh for that window.

I completely understand the usefulness of refreshing all tabs in Chrome. It’s important to note that, at the moment, PowerShell cannot interact with individual browser tabs.

One way to increase efficiency is by utilizing a browser extension that automatically refreshes tabs. Numerous options are available for Chrome and Firefox, enabling users to set a specific interval for each tab and manage multiple tabs simultaneously.

Use real-time updates with WebSockets or Server-Sent Events to avoid frequent page refreshes. I hope this information is helpful!