PowerShell - Doing inventory for domain computers

We are managing about 50 laptops all of them offsite. Users very frequently bring it to the office, unfortunately we do not provide domain access via VPN for the remote users we had some issue so our management decided to keep all the confidential data be access within the office premises only.

Most of the laptop users complain to us about slow performance while looking at their laptop we see a lot of junk files, like movies, images, etc. So, often we have to ask them to delete it.

To me, it’s very annoying So I decided to write a PowerShell script to scan a laptop using task scheduler every week once any of their laptops reach the warning I need the report to email me so that I can notify the user about there misuse.

So far I am able to write the below script I fetch all the data but not showing the output the proper way.

$output.'AvailableDriveSpace (GB)' = Get-CimInstance -CimSession $Computers -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk | Select-Object -Property DeviceID,@{Name='FreeSpace';Expression={ [Math]::Round(($_.Freespace / 1GB),1) }}

By running the above script I get the result in a single line, But I need the output something like below:

Driveletter : F
Name : New Volume
Size(GB) : 231 GB
FreeSpace : 185 GB
UsedGB : 45.32
FreeSpacePerCent : 80%

1 Like

The features that I have included in this version are listed below:

WMI objects replaced with CIM
Serial Number information
Sound Device information
Video Controller information
Email report

Name: Get-Inventory.ps1
The purpose of this script is to create a simple inventory.

This is a simple script to retrieve all computer objects in Active Directory and then connect
to each one and gather basic hardware information using Cim. The information includes Manufacturer,
Model,Serial Number, CPU, RAM, Disks, Operating System, Sound Deivces and Graphics Card Controller.


Version 1.1

Updated: 01-06-2018 - Replaced Get-WmiObject cmdlet with Get-CimInstance
- Added Serial Number Information
- Added Sound Device Information
- Added Video Controller Information
- Added option to send CSV file through email
- Added parameters to enable email function option

Release Date: 10-02-2018

Author: Stephanos Constantinou

Find the output under C:\Scripts_Output

Get-Inventory.ps1 -Email -Recipients user1@domain.com
Find the output under C:\Scripts_Output and an email will be sent
also to user1@domain.com

Get-Inventory.ps1 -Email -Recipients user1@domain.com,user2@domain.com
Find the output under C:\Scripts+Output and an email will be sent
also to user1@domain.com and user2@domain.com

[switch]$Email = $false,
[string]$Recipients = $nulll

$Inventory = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

if ($Email -eq $true){

$EmailCredentials = 
    $host.ui.PromptForCredential("Need email credentials", 
                                 "Provide the user that will be used to send the email.", 

$To  = @(($Recipients) -split ',') 
$Attachement = "C:\Scripts_Output\Inventory.csv" 
$From = $EmailCredentials.UserName 

$EmailParameters = @{ 
    To = $To 
    Subject = "Inventory" 
    Body = "Please find attached the inventory that you have requested." 
    Attachments = $Attachement 
    UseSsl = $True 
    Port = "587" 
    SmtpServer = "smtp.office365.com" 
    Credential = $EmailCredentials 
    From = $From} 


$AllComputers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties Name
$AllComputersNames = $AllComputers.Name

Foreach ($ComputerName in $AllComputersNames) {

$Connection = Test-Connection $ComputerName -Count 1 -Quiet 

$ComputerInfo = New-Object System.Object 

$ComputerOS = Get-ADComputer $ComputerName -Properties OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemServicePack 

$ComputerInfoOperatingSystem = $ComputerOS.OperatingSystem 
$ComputerInfoOperatingSystemServicePack = $ComputerOS.OperatingSystemServicePack 

$ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value "$ComputerName" -Force 
$ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "OperatingSystem" -Value $ComputerInfoOperatingSystem 
$ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ServicePack" -Value $ComputerInfoOperatingSystemServicePack 

if ($Connection -eq "True"){ 
    $ComputerHW = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $ComputerName | 
        select Manufacturer, 
               @{Expression={$_.TotalPhysicalMemory / 1GB};Label="TotalPhysicalMemoryGB"} 

    $ComputerCPU = Get-CimInstance win32_processor -ComputerName $ComputerName | 
        select DeviceID, 

    $ComputerDisks = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" -ComputerName $ComputerName | 
        select DeviceID, 
               @{Expression={$_.Size / 1GB};Label="SizeGB"} 

  $ComputerSerial = (Get-CimInstance Win32_Bios -ComputerName $ComputerName).SerialNumber 

  $ComputerGraphics = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_VideoController | 
    select Name, 
           @{Expression={$_.AdapterRAM / 1GB};Label="GraphicsRAM"} 

  $ComputerSoundDevices = (Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_SoundDevice).Name 
  $ComputerInfoManufacturer = $ComputerHW.Manufacturer 
  $ComputerInfoModel = $ComputerHW.Model 
  $ComputerInfoNumberOfProcessors = $ComputerHW.NumberOfProcessors 
  $ComputerInfoProcessorID = $ComputerCPU.DeviceID 
  $ComputerInfoProcessorManufacturer = $ComputerCPU.Manufacturer 
  $ComputerInfoProcessorName = $ComputerCPU.Name 
  $ComputerInfoNumberOfCores = $ComputerCPU.NumberOfCores 
  $ComputerInfoNumberOfLogicalProcessors = $ComputerCPU.NumberOfLogicalProcessors 
  $ComputerInfoRAM = $ComputerHW.TotalPhysicalMemoryGB 
  $ComputerInfoDiskDrive = $ComputerDisks.DeviceID 
  $ComputerInfoDriveName = $ComputerDisks.VolumeName 
  $ComputerInfoSize = $ComputerDisks.SizeGB 
  $ComputerInfoGraphicsName = $ComputerGraphics.Name 
  $ComputerInfoGraphicsRAM = $ComputerGraphics.GraphicsRAM 

  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Manufacturer" -Value "$ComputerInfoManufacturer" -Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Model" -Value "$ComputerInfoModel" -Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Serial" -Value "$ComputerSerial" -Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "NumberOfProcessors" -Value "$ComputerInfoNumberOfProcessors" -Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProcessorID" -Value "$ComputerInfoProcessorID" -Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProcessorManufacturer" -Value "$ComputerInfoProcessorManufacturer" -Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProcessorName" -Value "$ComputerInfoProcessorName" -Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "NumberOfCores" -Value "$ComputerInfoNumberOfCores" -Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "NumberOfLogicalProcessors" -Value "$ComputerInfoNumberOfLogicalProcessors" -Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "RAM" -Value "$ComputerInfoRAM" -Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DiskDrive" -Value "$ComputerInfoDiskDrive" -Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DriveName" -Value "$ComputerInfoDriveName" -Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Size" -Value "$ComputerInfoSize"-Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Graphics" -Value "$ComputerInfoGraphicsName"-Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "GraphicsRAM" -Value "$ComputerInfoGraphicsRAM"-Force 
  $ComputerInfo | 
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SoundDevices" -Value "$ComputerSoundDevices"-Force 


$Inventory.Add($ComputerInfo) | Out-Null

$ComputerHW = β€œβ€
$ComputerCPU = β€œβ€
$ComputerDisks = β€œβ€
$ComputerSerial = β€œβ€
$ComputerGraphics = β€œβ€
$ComputerSoundDevices = β€œβ€

$Inventory | Export-Csv C:\Scripts_Output\Inventory.csv

if ($Email -eq $true){send-mailmessage @EmailParameters}