23 November 2019 23:37
Hi everyone! Today, I ran a system restore and got this message:
system Restore did not complete successfully. Your computer’s system files and
settings were not changed.
System Restore failed while restoring the directory from the restore point.
Source: AppxStaging
Destination: %ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps
An unspecified error occurred during System Restore. (0x80070091)
It seems that SFC /scannow failed, even though I did some troubleshooting on it. Please help!
Start windows on safe mode with networking and run CMD with administrator and type
cd C:\Program Files
takeown /f WindowsApps /r /d Y
icacls WindowsApps /grant “%USERDOMAIN%%USERNAME%”:(F) /t
attrib WindowsApps -h
rename WindowsApps WindowsApps.old
then restart your PC and start windows normaly
You may try locating some other restore points or else you may continue running system restore again because sometimes due to hardware or software issues system restore won’t work properly.
You may also consider clean install windows.