The network status icon in the system tray says "no internet access"

I recently updated my PC to Windows 10 1903 in an attempt to fix this issue. But still, I am getting the same issue “No Internet access”, yet the internet works fine. I have literally spent half a day searching the internet and trying everything I could. No luck. I’d leave it be, except MS apps really think the user is offline. Hence, a newly installed Office 2019 won’t activate because it says the user is offline.

no internet

I tried to reset the network connection, run the troubleshooter and had it reset the networking, and almost every other solution I read about. Tried DHCP and static, DNS set to and (the router default config).

I tried disabling the NLA service and rebooting, but then Outlook sits there and won’t launch, even though browsers work fine.

Somehow, NLA and it’s associated NCIS is broken somewhere, even though the 3 “tests” it makes to determine connectivity all pass when done manually.

One last thing. The registry entry:

EnableActiveProbing REG_DWORD0x00000000 (0)

denotes that NCSI is disabled, yet this is the value that this user has. I tried setting it to 1, but after reboot, it’s back to 0.

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try to reset your network adapter with cmd

Hello @JesseJ

Follow these steps and check it. I will wait for your response.

In Device Manager, right click NIC, properties, Advanced tab, disable “Wait for Link” and “IPv4 Checksum Off Load”. NIC will reset.

Try turning off IPv6 on the network connection.

