I want to make Windows Media Player Default app for music and trying to create a power shell script for .wav to open with WMP. I have it set to open with VLC at the moment. Can someone tell me how I can do this exactly? Thanks!
A default program is the program thatWindows uses when you open a particular type of file, such as a music file, an image, or a webpage. For example, if you have more than one web browser installed on your computer, you can choose one of them to be the default browser.
Go to control panel -> Programs -> Default Programs
In Default Programs, you can:
- Set your default programs. Use this option to choose which programs you wantWindows to use by default. If you want to use your media player to open all media files, use this option. The options you set here only apply to your user account . Your choices won’t affect other user accounts on the computer.
- Associate a file type or protocol with a program. Use this option to fine-tune default programs based on the file type or protocol. For example, you can have all .jpg image files open using a specific program, and .bmp image files open using a different program.
- Change AutoPlay settings. You can also change which programs to use to start different kinds of media, such as music CDs or DVDs that contain photos.
- Set default programs for this computer. Set Program Access and Computer Defaults (available inWindows Vista ) is a tool to set default programs for activities such as browsing the web and sending e‑mail for everyone who uses the computer.