Why I am not receving Windows 10 version 2004 feature update?


I have a laptop which is running with Windows 10 version 1909. I wanted to test Windows 10 version 2004 in my laptop but I am not receiving through Windows updates.

I reset my Windows 10 setting to default and restart the laptop but still I am not receiving the update. I am not sure why is blocking in my laptop to receive the update yet.



Hi @Cathleen,

What is your system configuration.? Please share so that we can help you find the issue and help to you troubleshoot the problem.

If you device is not compatible you will not receive the Windows 10 2004 version feature update. Please check the reply Microsoft Official John Cable, Microsoft’s director of program management for Windows servicing and delivery, has already stated that some users may not see the download and install option for the update if they have a device which might have a compatibility issue for which a safeguard hold is in place until we are confident that you will have a good update experience.