Windows 10 1809 Login failure after patch Tuesday update


Few of my technical staff have begun to report login issues where they are entering their password correctly. Only 5 of the 20 staff (all running Win10 v1809) have had the issue and the first occurrences happened after patch Tuesday was installed due to the urgent nature of this month’s releases.

When the password is entered correctly I see the typical invalid username or password message. But there are ZERO invalid login attempts on the domain controllers and ZERO invalid login attempts on the local client’s security log (Event ID 4625 is nowhere to be found).

For testing purposes, I did a switch user to a shared account and entered invalid passwords 3 times to triple check the GPO for security logging was correct and I see the Event ID 4625 when a bad password is entered.

Any ideas? patch Tuesday update was released last week. To correct myself I need to know anyone else facing the same issue with Windows 10 Version 1809 or it’s just me with bad prediction.