Windows 10 Completely freeze and hangs after RAM upgrade

I have got an Intel Core i7 processor and 8 Gb RAM that has windows 10 version 1809 installed. I use this PC as a sort of power slave for all sorts of the task. I ordered 3 extra 8 Gb memory cards.

The first problem when they arrived was that they weren’t the same cards as the one that was already in there so I can’t use all four of them. But here’s where it gets strange: When I swap the original card with one of the new ones everything works the same and Windows 10 recognizes my 8 Gb RAM. When I use all three of the new cards.

When I check the BIOS/ UEFI it recognizes all 3 cards and when I start up in safe mode windows 10 loads without hesitating. So it has to be some kind of driver issue, right? Well, I have updated all the drivers (including a firmware update of the bios itself) but nothing seems to work.

Any ideas, boys?


you can check event history and there will be a problem why is this issue happening

Hello @christopher

Welcome to community!:bouquet:

As you mentioned that when you change your RAM or upgrade your RAM, after that it is giving problem it means your RAM is not compatible with your PC.
Note:When you upgrade RAM that time your RAM must be compatible with your PC’s RAM frequency.