Windows 1903 Update

Hope you all are going fine

Microsoft is rolling out this 1903 update, and it appears to have some major changes to the OS, in particular the separation of Cortana from the Search function.
I am concerned about this update, as I am with all updates. I voiced this concern to the other members of my department. IE: I suggested we stop the automatic updates to 1903 until we have had time to test them.
We have about 900+ machines running Windows 10, so if something goes wrong, it’s going to be a large problem.
They’re kinda blowing off my concerns. “So how are you going to stop it?” “Let’s just let it happen.” "Oh, if we block it with GPO we will never go back to it.
This is a common occurrence when I voice concerns about things. What are you all doing? I find it hard to believe that a majority of IT folks are just “letting it happen.”
Thanking you
Great greetings.

Hello @George

You can do the following steps to stop the windows update.
Go to “Computer Configuration” > “Administrative Templates” > " Windows Components" > " Windows Update ". Double-click "Configure Automatic Updates ". Select “Disabled” in Configured Automatic Updates on the left, and click Apply and “OK” to disable the Windows automatic update feature.