Windows Firewall disable for non-domain Windows 10 machines

For one of my client he has several remote locations, no domain/DC, and on networks that we don’t support(state-owned and administrated network/firewall).
I have been asked to permanently disable the windows firewalls on our supported machines at least one site, but I’m not sure of the best way to do this where windows update won’t just turn them back on. I thought that turning off the firewall and disabling its service would do the trick, but I’m reading that this can cause windows to update to stop working…which makes absolutely no sense but also wouldn’t surprise me. Any suggestions?

I know its a foolish thing to disable the firewall on a working PC which is connected to the internet. As an IT consulting I suggested multiple times not to do it but they are not agreeing to me also they didn’t leave me no chose So, I have to do it.

Thanks for any suggestions


I think it’s not technically “disabling” the firewall, you can set it to allow all traffic. Go to Settings, Network and Internet, Windows Firewall, Advanced Settings. Right-click on “Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security” and click Properties.


Then go through each of the Profile tabs and set Inbound and Outbound connections to “Allow


Click OK when you’ve done them all.

This has pretty much the same effect as disabling the firewall, and Windows Update doesn’t change the settings back

Hope this helps

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Hello @Kishore15

I also suggested, that to my clients that to always remain firewall service enabled.
however some application won’t run until you don’t allow the permission on advance firewall settings or you disabled firewall. settings as suggested by @tjnihal.
In my opinion i think that you should suggest your client,the advantages or disadvantages of firewall settings then let them take the decision.